
Showing posts from November, 2011

Cutting Corners

I was cutting up an obsolete rectangle today and it occurred to me that the more one cuts corners, the more corners one has to deal with. Kind of like the hydra:  for every one corner cut, two more appear. Which brought to mind the idiom "cutting corners" (to take shortcuts which usually reduce the quality of a work) , and how doing so usually doesn't work out so well. Perhaps this is why.

Accidental Cheater

     I had thought about this topic over the winter when my then fiancé and I had been about 15 months apart and still had 8 months before our wedding, and it has just recently come to my mind again.                   Now, there is never a good enough reason to cheat, ever, for cheating is taking that which is properly due to one and giving it to another to whom it is not, and such a thing is an offense against justice. That being said, I have come to an understanding of how some may come to find themselves accidentally in a cheating situation, especially if they are in long-distance relationships. There are different kinds of cheating, broken down most basically into emotional and physical, with physical being the one which most identify as cheating. (Again, a little disclaimer, sexual infidelity can not be accidental. Sex requires an act of the will, an act of consent for one's body to be acted upon in such a way, whic...


     Well, Fall Break has come and gone for my alma mater. It wasn't very long ago, just about two years in fact, that I was still counting time by the number of breaks, and how soon it was that I would be home again. Now, I am off and married (j ust over 2 months), making a new home for myself. And, in uniting myself to my husband, I also unite myself to his family, and gain his childhood home as well. So now I have three homes:  the one in which I grew up, the one in which my husband grew up, and the one we are making together. With so many, it is sometimes difficult to keep up with the places in conversation. For example, it is pretty simple to know where each of us is referring when we are in our home. But it was not quite so easy  to keep things straight  when we went back to his home in OH to visit last weekend. I would mention such and such a thing about home, and would be questioned as to which one I meant:  ours in VA, or mine back in NH. Anyw...