Julian Jackie -- April 30 - May 12, 2018

This is a post about miscarriage. If you aren't up for reading it, totally fine. Here are some resources, though. I wish I had known about them before. This is a Google doc that you can print out. Please share wherever you can, especially your parish office. Miscarriage Info Document for printing/copying and editing (I may add more, but my emotional energy for it has ebbed.) However, if you don't have time or inclination to look through it, this site is the best I have seen so far. CatholicMiscarriageSupport.com (This site wasn't available when I lost Julian.) I'm not looking for pity. I just need to tell my story. I know how important it is to hear the stories of others - we need to know we are not alone. I pray this might help someone else. Our fifth pregnancy was our first where we were both like "YES. We are ready for this." The positive pregnancy test wasn't a surprise. It's the only one I didn't take picture of. April 30. We had decided ...