
Showing posts from September, 2011

A Bride

     They say that a girl who marries in June is a bride all her life. But what of those who marry in the remaining 11 months of the year? What are the rest reduced to:  Wife?  Mother?  What?                                      Now, I can possibly see the attraction of being a bride forever. Who doesn't, at least at one point in their life, wish to be young, pretty, doted on forever? It is a normal wish, especially of those who are of the gentler sex. I, however, do not wish to be such forever. To remain so would be to forfeit all of the joy, sorrow, hardship, and victory which comes through living out a normal life.      One of the greatest fallacies propagated by our world today is that a woman who becomes a wife somehow degrades her status as a human being. For a woman to bind herself to a man, to take his name, to depend upon his livelih...

Weapons Vs. Passions

To The Editor:  In response to all those who fear violence from state legislators, representatives, and the general populace as a result of allowing weapons in our state buildings, I wish to say this:  the fear that violence will erupt simply because there is a weapon present is irrational and absurd.  To assert that our esteemed representatives would shoot one another during a debate shows a lack of faith in the self-control and intelligence of those we have chosen to represent us in the governance of our state.  Heated debates are engaged in all the time and we never hear of people getting into brawls and throttling their opponents.  The addition of a weapon will not suddenly result in the eruption of violent fights in what had previously been a peaceful, though passionate, debate.  Weapons are never the cause of violence – the uncontrolled passions of men are, and it is irrational and absurd to assert otherwise. Printed in the New Hampshire Unio...

Definition of Mere

MERE: adjective, superlative mere-est. 1.   Being nothing more nor better than: a mere pittance; He is still a  mere child. 2.   Obsolete.    a.  Pure and unmixed, as wine, a people, or a language.   b.  Fully as much as what is specified; completely fulfilled or developed; absolute