10 Weeks
So there are 10 weeks left (9 weeks, 6 days to be exact, but who's counting?) until Jose's due date. Granted, I know the chances of him arriving precisely on that day are slim, but it is still a point to look toward nonetheless. I hear "mommy brain" isn't much better than "pregnancy brain" but the total cluelessness and forgetfulness must eventually get better, 'cause moms sure do end up remembering a lot of stuff - play dates, soccer games, etc. At the moment I'll settle for not feeling like a puppy out on a windy day. Sniffing along some trail here, hearing a noise and having to investigate there, finding a new trail to follow, seeing some leaves blow then having to chase them, and never finding out where that first trail leads. Honestly, the other day I forgot to take my second iron dose three times, after reminding myself of it four times. Yeah. Forgetting what I had just decided while over by the bedroom i...