One Year
Wow. It has been a whole year since I took the Mister as my husband, and he took me as his wife. And we have come such a long way since that day. The first six months were hard, due in part to what we didn't even realize were unrealistic expectations; little hopes, dreams, and promises that could have been fulfilled but the effort they needed wasn't taken; failures in communication in regards to the disappointment of the aforementioned, or the unexpressed desire for new things to do. Adjusting was hard, there is no doubt about it. Even if you do marry your best friend and think you know a ton about them, there is going to be a bit of a learning curve when you move in with them. Sure, you learned a lot about them when you were dating, but now you have to learn how to live with them. You will see more of who they are in a week living with them than you have with however much time you spent dating. How goofy, silly, serious, weak, strong they really are. And it will be good. They will be learning a whole lot about you as well, and it will be good. It will take time to adjust to the rhythms of living life with each other, and when that eventually happens you will once again remember exactly why it was that you wanted to do this whole crazy marriage thing in the first place. As with most things in life, those that are the hardest to achieve are the most worthwhile, and marriage is no exception.
Through all of the turmoil and strife (that I mostly caused...), my husband has been there for me. As many times as we had both thought "What have I gotten myself into?"; as many times as I have failed to be the woman I am supposed to be, even the woman we both thought I was; as many times as I thought I honestly could not do this anymore, my husband was there to hold me and not once did he let go. He is my best friend, my support, my lover - everything I need and then some. Though I know we have a lot to work on - that whole helping each other get to heaven bit needs constant attention - I also know that this is where we are supposed to be, where God wants us, and we are going to make it.
I love you, Mister, and here's to many, many more years together! <3
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