Because I Can
Well, I'm not too sure, exactly, of what to write, though I sort of feel compelled to write something. Why? Because J.B. is napping in my lap, and I now have a smart phone. :) So, basically, there's not much else I could be doing anyway. Naw, I don't really want to put him down; it's nice not having to deal with tired crabby baby who feels like he's being abandoned because he wakes up during transport. We attempted some nap sleep training for a couple of weeks, but that left both of us tired and crabby so I cut my losses and settled for sleeping through the night. Eventually we will drop the nursing/being held naps, but right now I'm fine with settling.
Life has been decently good to us these past almost 8 months since I basically stopped writing. We're finally in the market for a house. J.B. started crawling on Saturday, thereby increasing the necessity of a larger place. Unfortunately, what we want doesn't seem to exist, except in the very expensive price range. I've decided to try my hand at being an independent consultant with Arbonne, hoping to make some money to be able to help my sister out with school, though at the immediate moment it would be nice to just make my investment money back. I'm also trying to start an exercise support group with some of my friends - maybe we'll have more success that way. I know I'll do better with someone other than just myself to be accountable to.
Like I mentioned, J.B. is crawling now, and getting into all sorts of trouble. He's also cutting his two top incisors, so soon he'll have four teeth. Slowly and surely we're working on rel food, though I need to find stuff he can feed to himself; he'all do better that way. We also need to look into some more engaging toys eventually.
Well, that's pretty much what's going on these days. Hopefully I'll be posting more often than these past months. :)
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