
Showing posts from November, 2019

Here We Go Again

     I have so many things to say. And basically am under orders to say them. Much of it best for a personal journal, but some...some I need to get out in a place where is "feels" like I'm being heard, and not just talking to myself more. Seems that's kind of a problem I have, internalizing everything , and not expressing enough.       Short version:  I started seeing a psychologist again (my old one, yay!) to see if perhaps I'm ADHD, or even possibly Asperger's, though I hear that diagnosis doesn't technically exist anymore. THIS ARTICLE is the one that got me thinking originally (especially the rejection sensitive dysphoria , ugh), and then I started checking off a lot of the attributes/experiences from THIS ONE , which was linked in some link that I followed from that first one, and yeah. Suddenly my life experiences started making sense, especially the feeling like I'm perpetually 12. Explains why I have a hard time being the authority figu...