
Showing posts from September, 2021


    With the holiday gifting season rapidly approaching (Order your gifts now! The small businesses and carriers will thank you!), I thought it might be a pertinent time to finally type out my recent revelation in regards to the two different kinds of givers/receivers I've noticed. First, some background, because I have been bothered by  thinking about this question for a very long time...       Spring semester of my freshman year, Dr. Damian Fedoryka gave a talk at Christendom about giving gifts. (The link will show you it was actually much deeper than that, but my brain got stuck on his opening example. Also, I should probably listen to it again, because at the moment I very much disagree with the premise laid out in the article. Sorry JPII) His opening story (as I remember it) was if you were a girl on a walk, and some old guy picked a flower and offered it to you, what would your response be? One of the girls in my class answered saying she w...