
Showing posts from March, 2012

My First 1st Trimester

Overall, Baby Chick and I seem to be getting along pretty well.  For the most part, being pregnant thus far hasn't been too much worse than not being pregnant, and in some ways a little better.   Little Better: My monthly acne flare-ups have gone away.  (Now experiencing clearer skin than I have in years .)   I have a very good reason for "being lazy" and basically resting a lot.   I'm allowed to be somewhat picky about what I eat.   My emotions have basically evened out.  (Though I think that might have more to do with finally reaching a good point emotionally, rather than hormonal changes due to pregnancy.)   People show a lot more interest in my well-being, as I am now, quite literally, living for two.  (Not that I ever felt neglected before.) Not Too Much Worse (And Really Not All That Bad - I'm Just a Wimp When it Comes to Digestive Issues): Wondering what the heck to eat today, because my hunger reflex seems to hav...

An Announcement

          I know I haven't been posting much, even though I said I would as part of my Lenten resolution.  Well, here is the reason, and a fitting announcement on this celebration of the feast of the Annunciation:  WE ARE EXPECTING!!!!            Yes, I know that doesn't really seem like a very good reason for not writing at least something , but I have been battling the fatigue and nausea that is customary for many in the first trimester, not that it has been terrible - just enough to throw me off my game.  Furthermore, it is quite difficult to post of one subject, when such an amazing one as my pregnancy is always foremost in my mind!  All other subjects seem to pale in comparison.             Anyway, I have a lot of things to do today, and as I seem to be feeling pretty alright, I might as well get started on what I can do, for as long as I feel up to it.  More posts m...

International Women's Day - 03/08/2012

          So today is International Women's Day.  I suggest everyone, women included, think on the women we know in our lives and let them know how we feel about them.  Try and think of some particular aspect about their being that is particularly feminine, and let them know how much you respect and are grateful for that part of them.            It would be best if such reflections did not center around her physical nature, but rather focus on the mental, spiritual, or emotional things which show forth her unique womanliness.  Such reflections may be difficult, especially having grown up in such a world where we are constantly bombarded with arguments as to how there are no differences between women and men, save from the difference in genitalia, and even then many are trying to say that such differences are unimportant as well.  If one is stuck on the physical, think about a better way of saying it, that shows ...