
Showing posts from April, 2012

House Hunting Envy

          So there are about 4 of us married couples here who are basically just starting out in our "grown-up lives".  It's been nice, being able to hang out with other young married people, all of whom have been married for 2 years or fewer and just beginning to grow their families.  Most of us wives have been dreaming of houses for a while now, though our searches have been mostly futile, half of us not being in a position to actually buy, and the other half unable to find something which both husband and wife agree upon.             That is, up until about a week ago.  Both the couples who were in a spot to buy a house actually found ones they liked, and made offers on:  one was accepted, and the other is waiting for the owner's approval!  Basically all in the same week!  Crazy, but awesome at the same time.  Except it leaves me feeling like we need one too, and why is it we can't have one aga...

Those Pesky Emotions!

         Yesterday was, overall, a rather physically good day.  Unfortunately, my emotions decided that they were just going to run amok from the get-go, and did their best to ruin things.  There were brief moments when they seemed to be succeeding, but in the end, happiness won out and I went to bed feeling much happier than I had when I got out of it.             Waking up crying is most certainly on my list of things not to do, and when one is as good at controlling (read:  bottling) their emotions as I once was, barely-awake tears are rather disconcerting.  Fortunately there weren't too many of them, so I ended up wandering the grocery store in search of ingredients for dinner in a melancholy fog, rather than a melancholy rain.  I managed to do alright throwing supper together (bbq chicken in the crock-pot) and somehow made it to the the lunch meal.  At the end of which I then proceeded to let loos...

The Passion of the Christ

His the doom Ours the mirth when He came down to earth Flower of Jesse's tree born on earth to save us Him the Father gave us. Taken from a song I know as Cantus , which is actually more of a Christmas carol,  but I find it to be fitting insofar as it addresses the ultimate purpose of Christ's birth.           Such was running through my mind as we watched The Passion of the Christ .  There were quite a few things that struck me, though unfortunately most of them are forgotten now.  A few things were given a deeper meaning, thanks to the Lenten bible studies some friends of ours hosted - such as how the 30 pieces of silver was the price of a slave who was impaled; and how the teachings of Christ were really, truly radical in his time, that His listeners had never heard anything like it before.  For our part, we grow up knowing the story, even if we are not all Christians ourselves, but everyone  knows the story of Jesu...

Ugh! Not *That Feeling* Again.....Which Then Turned Into Deep Thoughts

          For the most part, feeling nasty physically seems to be gone.  Though I think it has been replaced with:  coughing too deep (which really isn't deep at all) turns on the gag reflex (which is very difficult to turn off again), and thus in turn becomes a need to evacuate the stomach contents (an impulse which I have so far found impossible to stop, though I do try my best...).  Now, this really isn't so bad, and is quite a huge improvement, but that little part of me that wishes it were all over with still pipes up now and then.           On the other hand, there is a part of me that is somewhat glad to still be having such physical issues.  That little worrier part of me, that reads "sickness = still pregnant = baby fine".  I know such, um, logic is really not very rational, but for that part of me, it is a comfort.  I'm only at 13 weeks (11 baby weeks), so there are really no other physical signs ...