
Showing posts from May, 2012


Right, let's see how bad I am at writing a short post...           It was one of those amazing days - bright, sunshiny, green, fresh - everything screamed life!  What an amazing day to be alive on!  Flowers, birds, hustle, bustle, everything.  And it struck me, just how amazing life is, qua life.  It honestly is eternal - it never ends!  Yes, individual things come and go, live then die, but life itself does not stop just because one living thing ceases to live.  Now, I've never really made a study of evolution, but from what I understand it is all about life, the perpetuation of the species.  So this particular being has died, but in a sense it is still living in its offspring, in the generations follow.  From a simply materialistic point of view, this is a pretty amazing concept.  But, add to it a bit of the supernatural, and this idea is overwhelming.  For those who believe in the eternal life of the soul, ...

Now Picture This...

           Alright, so my last post wasn't the most positive.  Considering it was written on the heels of a rather black mood, that makes sense.  Perhaps still a bit shocking from a person who understands what this whole pregnancy thing is all about, and is really quite glad that all this annoyance means that, God willing, I will have a baby to hold, love, etc., in October.  But, if a pro-lifer such as I, who wanted to conceive and is happy to be expecting, could wish that I didn't have to go through this, just imagine how horrible it is for someone who didn't and isn't:           Go back and read my Rant Against Pregnancy , and try and picture emotionally what I was kinda going through.  Got it?  Right, now let's add this to your plate - not only are you feeling slightly miserable physically, but you realize your period is kinda late.  Like, late in an "Oh, fudge, this can't really be..." ki...

Now I've Done It: Rant Against...Pregnancy

          So Mother's Day is just around the corner, and this year I get to be one of the women celebrated.  A nice idea, except on Monday I had a slight emotional breakdown because of this stinkin' pregnancy thing.  Yes, I said it, and in a very real sense I mean it.  I am so done being pregnant, and yes, I am still less than halfway there.           It was all fun and exciting in the beginning, and I mean the very beginning, like the first month, maybe, that we knew.  But swearing ourselves to secrecy kinda killed much of the novelty and my excitement.  Add in morning sickness, and BAM!  First thoughts of "I sure as heck don't like this whole pregnancy thing, and it can totally be October now." (See My First 1st Trimester for some insight.)  Ugh.  Now that I'm not feeling sick, I'm freaking out because I'm not sure I'm eating enough (at 18 weeks I've barely gained any weight).  I'm beginni...

Little Bit of Life in General

          Well, the house we were interested in already had an offer which the seller accepted, so we weren't able to even look at it.  Which is probably a really good thing, lest we got our (read:  my) hopes up too much, only to be severely and horridly crushed against the solid cliffs of reality.  *sigh*  But it was entertaining while it lasted, and more than likely there will be something better in the future.  Hopefully before Baby Chick makes a grand entrance into the world, and my laundry needs explode exponentially.  :)           My in-laws are in town for a visit this week, the second time the whole family has been together since October, and it is quite nice to be spending time with them.  Nothing reminds me how much I enjoy family life more than spending time with family.  Yes, I have a huge streak of "I could totally be a hermit and live in the middle of nowhere, completely independent ...